The Ulnar Nerve Block procedure is a medical treatment used to alleviate pain and numbness in the hand and arm. This pain is from compression or irritation of the ulnar nerve. The ulnar nerve runs from the neck down the arm, passing through the elbow and into the hand.
How It Works
During the Ulnar Nerve Block procedure, an ASCPM practitioner injects medication near the ulnar nerve. The goal of this produre is to reduce inflammation and block pain signals. The medication typically includes a combination of a local anesthetic to provide immediate pain relief and a corticosteroid to reduce inflammation and provide longer-lasting relief. By targeting the ulnar nerve, the procedure aims to alleviate pain and improve function in the affected hand and arm.
The Benefits
This procedure can provide temporary or long-lasting relief from pain, numbness, and tingling sensations in the hand and arm. By reducing inflammation and blocking pain signals, the procedure can help individuals regain mobility and carry out daily activities with greater ease. It may also prevent further nerve damage and improve overall quality of life.
Procedure Details
During the Ulnar Nerve Block procedure, the patient is first made comfortable. The skin around the injection site is cleaned and sterilized. Using a thin needle and a topical anesthetic, the healthcare professional carefully injects the medication near the ulnar nerve. Imaging technology such as ultrasound or fluoroscopy offers precision placement of the medication. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis. It may require multiple injections over time for optimal effectiveness. Following the procedure, patients may experience immediate pain relief. The full effects of the medication becoming apparent within a few days.